Senior Savers Card


Service NSW operate a shared delivery unit for state government, building infrastructure and designing forms to handle online transactions.
Service NSW partnered with Code for Australia to increase capacity in their delivery teams, and build capability – with the Fellows helping to amplify and improve Human-centred Design and Agile practices.
Our key deliverable was a new online transaction to support the launch of the NSW Senior Saver’s Card. The Fellows each played key roles in the design and delivery of the Senior Saver’s Card. In addition to building the transaction form on time and on budget, we introduced new practices for Human-centred Design and Agile rituals, including coaching other delivery teams working on different projects.
The program was evaluated based on the user experience delivered, cultural change created by new ways of working and a lasting impact on Service NSW’s product management.
Read more from the team on our blog and view the live product here.
Read more of our Case Studies to dig deeper into the work we've done.